Friday, February 3, 2012

February Already?!

Well, I haven't posted anything in a while, so I thought I would give some updates as to what we have done.  Christmas came and went SUPER fast...and no we find ourselves in February.  Just last week, we have already been married for six months!  It has been a wonderful six months, and we wouldn't change a thing about it!  So, to catch you up on what you've missed, here are some updates:
 Our newest nephew, Nash Owen Daniels, was born on January 7th.  Although born three weeks early, Mom and Baby are doing great!
 Snapshot of Buddy sleeping...
 Little Easton: SUPER cute kid!

 Our First Christmas morning together :)
 We spent Christmas with the Hackett family, and now welcome Robyn, who will be marrying Trevor in March! :)
 Buddy doesn't like to be left alone, so when I left him on the porch to load the car up, he had to watch my every move...
 Troy and Mark had some "boy bonding" time over Christmas while playing with Kade's new toy
 We spent New-Years with the Hansen Family
 Our Nephew, Kyler Watts, is growing SO Fast!  Love him! :)
 Overall, life has been great to us!  We can't believe how quickly the time has gone!  We have been super happy, and love being married!!  We hope everyone has enjoyed their new year so far!