Thursday, August 27, 2015

Answers to Prayers

Mr. Elephant.  This stuffed animal you see in this picture is Emily's BEST friend.  He was given to her as a Christmas present when she was only three months old by her Uncle Chad.  It was love at first sight!  This little guy has rarely missed a nap or bedtime without being held by Emily.  I can't even begin to explain how much she loves this little guy!

About four days ago, Mr. Elephant went missing.  He has lately been nicknamed "E" since we have been working on the ABC's with Emily.  She had snuck him out of bed and suddenly, he was gone!  This made Ms. Emily super stressed!  Every time it was time to get ready for bed, she would walk around asking, "Where E?  Where E?"  It just broke our hearts as parents.  After three nights of searching, Troy and I took the house apart to look for this elephant.  We finally gave up and got Emily in to bed.  We said a simple prayer that E would be found.  That night, I was putting Carter to sleep and was just praying and asking Heavenly Father that this simple little toy would be found for little Emily.  Later that evening, as Troy was getting in to bed, he was moving the blanket around and there he was!  Mr. Elephant had been tangled in our bed sheets and had somehow managed to go unnoticed for three or four nights!  We were SO excited to have found this little guy!  I was so happy that Heavenly Father would answer this simple prayer that our child could have her stuffed elephant back.  It was another reminder to me that He hears and answers EVERY prayer.  From the big to the small, they ALL matter to Him.  I am so grateful that we were able to find this little guy.

When I gave him back to Emily in the morning, she was SO excited!  You would have thought that she had just won the lottery.  She grabbed him and ran down the hall shouting, "E! E! E!!" She ran in to our bedroom and said to Carter, "Cahtah, Cahtah!  Look!  E!!" while he was peacefully sleeping.  Life is happy in the Hackett home at bedtime again! :)