Friday, November 18, 2011

"I Dream About Being with you Forever..."

I have been thinking a lot lately, with Thanksgiving coming, about the blessings that I have in my life!  Today, I have really been thinking about how wonderful my husband, Troy, is.  He is kind, giving, generous, loving, compassionate, strong, and (of course) funny!  Every day we spend together is only better than the last.  I can't believe how fast the last year has been together.  From the moment we went on our very first date, I knew this was the man I would marry.  It is funny to say, because I never believed that this would happen.  I had heard people say that they believed it, but I always thought, from past relationships, that time would be what would lead me to know if someone was the right person for me.  It is amazing to me that I have found someone who can complete me like this.  Days when I am struggling, he knows just what to do or say to make me happy again.  He has always put my needs first.  He is my rock and my example of who I want to be.  He makes me want to be a better person, and I feel so blessed to be able to spend forever with him.
Forever is quite a concept really.  I was thinking about that when I went to watch Breaking Dawn last night.  While watching the wedding scene, I was thinking about how romantic of a concept that Twilight does present.  Being able to spend forever with somebody that you love, and never having to be apart from death. (Granted, the whole vampire thing does add a different twist).   This brought me to think about how blessed I am to have married a man who could take me to the Temple.  The day that we were married in the Temple, we were sealed for time and eternity.  This means we will be together not only for our time here on earth, but also for all of eternity after our life here on earth.  Our marriage and family life together will last beyond the grave, and we will truly be together FOREVER.  I am so BLESSED to not only have a testimony of this, but to have it in my marriage.  I am so grateful to have a husband who understands this.  Every day we work to keep our marriage strong and happy.  I know that, as we work to have a Celestial marriage together, we will be a forever family.  There is no greater truth than that in my life.  I love my husband with all of my heart and will love him every moment of our forever together.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie, stop messing with my hard core emotions. That was sweet. I love seeing you so happy! :)
