Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm a Girl!!! :)

Being the AMAZING blogger I am...I figured it was time to update on what is new in our lives!  The last few months have been pretty busy!  Back in March, Troy and I officially purchased our first home.  We moved in the middle of April and have absolutely loved our home!  We are still working on getting out of boxes...but, for the most part, are moved in. Pictures of that will come as I (finally) get things decorated.  Even greater news than that is that Troy and I are having our first little baby at the end of September! 

We found out we were pregnant back in January.  As for the pregnancy symptoms, they honestly haven't been too bad.  The first trimester made me into a zombie who would do anything to lay in bed and sleep all day rather than work; however, second trimester has made that much better! :)  The best part so far was when we found out on Tuesday that our "it" we have been referring to for the last five months is actually a GIRL! 
Troy and I had strong feelings we were having a girl since before we found out we were pregnant.  When we went in for our ultrasound, she was doing everything she could to keep herself hidden.  She had her legs crossed in front of her body and was determined to stay that way.  The ultrasound technician even had me get up and use the bathroom to try and get her to move.  When she was about to wrap things up, our sweet little girl finally opened her legs just enough for the technician to grab a quick picture of her anatomy.  We were so thrilled to see that we are having a girl!  The doctor said that everything with the baby looks great...and it is so reassuring to know that they baby is growing and is healthy. 
It is such an amazing experience to know that we are going to be parents in a few months.  Never in my life have I been more grateful for eternal families.  I am so grateful that Troy and I were sealed for all of time and eternity in the temple back in 2011.  We have an eternal family, and I can't think of any greater blessing than that! 
Until next is an update on the "bump".  The first picture was taken the day I found out I was pregnant, the second is from this week at the half-way mark of 20 weeks. Hope all is well with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love that adorable baby bump! Congrats cute lady and good luck!
